Let Me Present to you, Robert & Kailee Shearin...I mean Speiss!

May 06, 2019  •  1 Comment

If ever there were two people who belong together, it is Kailee & Robert.  You know the part in the wedding vows when you say, 'I promise to love you, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad...'?  Well Kailee and Robert's love has already challenged these limits. 

So I asked Kailee & Robert to tell me about their love story.  Now, for any of you that know Kailee, you know she is not one to be at a loss for words.  And I'm so glad she took the time to tell me about their love story the way she did.  I fell in love with their story, and as I said, I knew they belonged together.

The two actually met in college, but it wasn't until a mutual acquaintance thought they should meet up, did they actually talk and get to know each other.  

Unlucky Break #1-->The night after they met up to talk, Robert moved to South Carolina.


He came back for the fourth of July celebration and definitely planned on meeting up with Kailee.

Unlucky Break #2-->Kailee was extremely sick, spending a night in the ER.


Robert drove down to see Kailee anyway and helped take care of her. 

After Robert returned to South Carolina, they continued to talk hours on end.  This gave way to the beautiful friendship they are blessed with.  The very friendship that is the foundation to which their love was built.  Robert moved back to Indiana after the summer, and months of loving and laughter later~ he knew that this is the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.  Enter a carefully selected ring, a dinner date and violá!!

Unlucky Break #3-->The dinner wasn't good and they ended up back at the house on the couch.  The highly anticipated night just felt a little too ordinary to be the night they made the most important decision of their lives.  The ring would stay in his pants pocket until the time was right.

Robert got up the next morning and went to work, shoveled some snow, and completed his shift.  Checking his pocket he realized there is NO ring.  Unlucky Break #4--He turns the house upside down claiming he was looking for a lost phone--no luck.  It wasn't until the next day when meeting up with Kaille for lunch that he spilled the beans.  

Staring at the Costco parking lot~~looking for a white gold ring in a snow covered lot.  

Flashlights, metal detectors, and many warm clothes, they began their search.  Over a week they searched everywhere--over and over again, but no ring.  The snow had begun to melt and Robert still searched for the ring every chance he got.  With hopes of finding the ring dwindling and another random search of the parking lot, Robert was losing hope.  But there it was!!  On top of a giant pile of snow sat the ring.  Snow that had melted down just enough to expose the ring in all its glory!  Robert snatched it up and went directly to Kailee's work.  And finally~they were officially engaged!

Now they are just a couple of ol' married folks.  They are lively, caring, and humble.  They go on walks, craft together, and enjoy an adventurous roadtrip on occasion.  And life is good!!

I think Kailee wraps up their love and life in a sweet little package like this:

Robert and I are super laid back.  We laugh a lot and make terrible jokes.  We turn the most mundane tasks into 'remember that one time?'  I can't help but think this is what happens when you get two folks willing to put some work into the stuff that matters, and just find entertainment on how the rest turns out.  The less I stress about something, the more I get to see serendipity at work.



Ann Shearin(non-registered)
It was a wonderful sunny day for a wedding, a happy day, memories caught in pictures. Thank you.
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